Library Outreach...update from Gay Gatta:
Update to the Baysore-Brightwaters Public Library Show. Everyone should check out this show which runs from August 1-31 for BAHC members. Beautiful show on the walls and in the glass cases. Upcoming--Bayport-Bluepoint Library Show from September 1-30 for the winners of the 2009 shows at Gallery on the Hill. This show must be preregistered with Gay Gatta at 828-2523 by August 25th.
For its second Halloween fine art exhibition, the Mills Pond House Gallery once again invites artists to submit works ranging from the macabre to the whimsical. Juror, Alain Khadem, is primarily interested in works that portray frightening subject matters cast in a philosophic, romantic or humorous light. Interested artists are encouraged to view last year's selections, award winners, and the juror's notes online at: Entry deadline is August 28.
The Patchogue Arts Council's WALKING ARTS TOUR NEW SUBMISSION DATE EXTENDED UNTIL AUGUST 15TH - So there is still time!!!
The exhibit is held in the windows and storefronts of businesses on and around Main St in Patchogue Village. We are looking for artists of all mediums to participate. This exhibit will be held between September 2009 - January of 2010. On November 8th in collaboration with the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts there will be an Autumn Arts Festival featuring Live in the Lobby artists performing, poetry readings by Long Island Poets and a reception for the artists of the Walking Arts Tour! Sponsorship Available for the Autumn Arts Festival.
Creation Myths & Stories - An Exhibition and Reception Music by Jack's Waterfall at The Congregational Church of Patchogue 95 East Main Street, Patchogue, New York on Saturday, September 19th, 2009, 7:30 in the evening. Every civilization in every part of the world has a creation myth; a story that answers such questions as: Who are we? Where did we come from? How did we get here? When did we begin? What was it like in the beginning? The first three words of the Book of Genesis for example, are "in the beginning" But ancient Egyptians, as well as Native Americans and countless other cultures and civilizations have their own creation story. Many scientists call their creation story the "Big Bang Theory." As an artist, what is your version and vision of creation? Whatever your medium, inclusive of sculpture, film, and performance; and whatever your spirituality, religion, or lack of it ~ you are invited to submit your work for this cultural and artistic event. Inquiries: Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter, email
Occasionally we receive mail that we feel is important to pass on to our email list regarding the state of arts and culture on both a national level and the level of New York State.
The email we received stated the following:
"The Supervisor has just released a list of layoffs--about 96 employees. The entire staff of the Museum is on the list, which means that the Museum will effectively close if the layoffs take place. Although the town and the Museum have been in negotiations with the Islip Arts Council to take over the Museum as a vendor, an agreement is far, far from being reached--and probably won't be reached before layoffs.
Can you alert anyone you know to this situation? Ask people on your mailing list to email the Supervisor's office with a brief statement of support. Something simple, like:
email to: supervisorsoffice@townofislip-
The pubic hearing on the layoffs is Tuesday, August 11, in Town Hall at 2 p.m."
Thank you for your support of this local cultural institution.
And from the BAHC!
Don't miss Kayla Star this Friday night at the Mount Sinai Heritage Center! (See last post for details.)
Like to dance or always wanted to learn? The BAHC and Mount Sinai Heritage Center are proud to present ballroom dancing lessons on Friday, September 11th, 7:30 PM, $10 gets you in...bring a partner or find one there! Space is limited, so to reserve a spot call 451-9070!
Gallery on the Hill: Photography Show. Drop off is August 10 from 3:30 to 8:00
Phoenix Gallery: Paradise Now. Drop off is Monday, August 17 from 3 pm to 7 pm, $20.00 per piece.
Associate Member News: North Shore Chamber Choir, Summer Sing: Motzart's Requim, Saturday, August 29 at the First Presbyterian Church, come and sing: $15.00 per person
Young Musician Showcase: Click here for information!
The Brookhaven Arts and Humanities Council is looking for people to volunteer on committees. These are committees that are already established and need some more help.
Are you a visual artist and have great ideas for new shows or love to hang and help run a gallery?
Do you like booking local artists to perform at local venues for all to see?
Are you an educator or retired educator and would love help run, book and organize children's workshops?
Do you have experience in fundraising or grant witting?
Do you love to sing and want to help put on a concert for all to see on the 4th of July?
Call to find out about or committees!!
Gallery on the Hill Committee
Cafe Friday's Committee
Kids Club Committee
Fundraising Committee
Choral Festival Committee
All for now! I'll be back with more as it comes in!
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